Here V-760

... The G-force of the launch initiated the clock for self destruction mechanizm.When the O component acheved 20 atm before the missile motor it removes first lock.
Also when inertional g-force starts to decrease (exhausted fuel), the self-destruction timer also starts.
On the 10-th second of the missile flight PMK-60 (53 & 53a)starts and powered up with +26V in the warhead and prepared it to detonation. When missile reached ~2 km altitude, barometric sensor activates the self-destruction mechanizm in case of height loss.

On 6-8,5 km altitude another barometric sensor deactivates the second lock of the warhead.

On 20-th second after starting, PMK-60 (53 & 53a), warhead is powered up and ready for detonation.

K4 removes third lock.
K3 detonates the warhead.

If there is a miss, on the 81+/-6 second the timer activates "passive timer self-destruction" of the missile.
If there is a miss and altitude drops under 2 km, barometric sensor activates "passive height self-destruction"...

Some elements from V-755:

Last edited by piston79; 11/09/12 08:16 PM.