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2K11 KRUG-M1

00:00:00, B-52D Snow-01 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:00, B-52D Brown-01 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:00, B-52D Maple-01 bombed Kep AFB.
00:00:08, B-52D Snow-02 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:08, B-52D Brown-02 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:08, B-52D Maple-02 bombed Kep AFB.
00:00:40, B-52D Snow-03 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:40, B-52D Brown-03 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:40, B-52D Maple-03 bombed Kep AFB.

00:00:45, Missile launched
Target distance: 21km
Target azimuth: 24°
Target elevation: 10°
Target altitude: 4km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:01:13, Missile exploded
F-105 Wild Weasel number 2 of pair-1 killed by SAM. (miss distance: 24m)
00:01:32, B-52D Gold-01 bombed Kep AFB.
00:01:43, B-52D Gold-02 bombed Kep AFB.
00:01:59, B-52D Gold-03 bombed Kep AFB.
00:02:08, B-52D Purple-01 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:02:11, B-52D Purple-02 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.

00:02:11, Missile launched
Target distance: 19km
Target azimuth: 102°
Target elevation: 4°
Target altitude: 1,5km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:02:25, B-52D Purple-03 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.

00:02:45, Missile exploded
F-4 number 1 of pair-1 blocking Zea Lam airfield hit by SAM. (miss distance: 152m)
00:02:54, B-52G Rose-01 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:03:00, B-52G Rose-02 bombed Kinh No Complex.

00:03:02, Missile launched
Target distance: 21km
Target azimuth: 99°
Target elevation: 5°
Target altitude: 2km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:03:03, B-52G Rose-03 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:03:56, B-52D Green-02 bombed Kep AFB.
00:03:58, B-52D Green-01 bombed Kep AFB.
00:04:11, B-52D Green-03 bombed Kep AFB.
00:04:34, B-52G Lilac-01 bombed Kinh No Complex.

00:04:40, Missile launched
Target distance: 16km
Target azimuth: 31°
Target elevation: 21°
Target altitude: 5,9km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:04:44, B-52G Lilac-02 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:04:47, B-52D Walnut-02 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:04:54, B-52G Lilac-03 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:04:57, B-52D Walnut-01 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:04:59, B-52D Walnut-03 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.

00:05:03, Missile exploded
F-4 number 1 of pair-1 blocking Noi Bai airfield killed by SAM. (miss distance: 29m)

00:05:58, Missile launched
Target distance: 17km
Target azimuth: 284°
Target elevation: 6°
Target altitude: 1,9km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

Total, SNR On Air Time: 2min 0sec

One hit, two kills, doesn't look to bad for the fact that I have never been able to range the targets as every one of them used jammers, and the burntrough range for F-105 seems to be pretty small, smaller than the missiles optimal range as it seems.
I tracked the targets in epsilon and beta, however I didn't changed the range after the search radar handed it over and the tracking radar slewed to it. That seemed to work pretty well, until the momment, where the planes dived to the ground. At that momment the range boreside just raced to the right of the screen. I tried to manuall reajust with the wheel, back to the point where the range boresight was before the plane descended. Totall guesswork, however for 3 out of 5 missiles it worked out pretty good. biggrin
And the Wild Weasels didn't even had the chance to fire a HARM. neaner


I don't have a clue how it works, but it works pretty good! winkngrin

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2K11 KRUG-M1

00:00:00, B-52D Snow-01 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:00, B-52D Brown-01 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:00, B-52D Maple-01 bombed Kep AFB.
00:00:08, B-52D Snow-02 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:08, B-52D Brown-02 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:08, B-52D Maple-02 bombed Kep AFB.
00:00:40, B-52D Snow-03 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:40, B-52D Brown-03 bombed Hoa Lac AFB.
00:00:40, B-52D Maple-03 bombed Kep AFB.

00:00:59, Missile launched
Target distance: 17km
Target azimuth: 88°
Target elevation: 6°
Target altitude: 1,9km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:01:32, B-52D Gold-01 bombed Kep AFB.

00:01:35, Missile launched
Target distance: 15km
Target azimuth: 81°
Target elevation: 7°
Target altitude: 2km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:01:43, B-52D Gold-02 bombed Kep AFB.

00:01:56, Missile exploded
F-4 number 1 of pair-1 blocking Zea Lam airfield killed by SAM. (miss distance: 7m)
00:01:59, B-52D Gold-03 bombed Kep AFB.
00:02:08, B-52D Purple-01 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:02:11, B-52D Purple-02 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:02:25, B-52D Purple-03 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.

00:02:51, Missile launched
Target distance: 29km
Target azimuth: 334°
Target elevation: 10°
Target altitude: 5,6km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:02:54, B-52G Rose-01 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:03:00, B-52G Rose-02 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:03:03, B-52G Rose-03 bombed Kinh No Complex.

00:03:32, Missile exploded
F-4 number 1 of pair-1 blocking Noi Bai airfield killed by SAM. (miss distance: 26m)

00:03:49, Missile launched
Target distance: 25km
Target azimuth: 342°
Target elevation: 13°
Target altitude: 6km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:03:56, B-52D Green-02 bombed Kep AFB.
00:03:58, B-52D Green-01 bombed Kep AFB.
00:04:11, B-52D Green-03 bombed Kep AFB.

00:04:22, Missile exploded
F-4 number 2 of pair-1 blocking Noi Bai airfield killed by SAM. (miss distance: 26m)
00:04:34, B-52G Lilac-01 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:04:44, B-52G Lilac-02 bombed Kinh No Complex.
00:04:47, B-52D Walnut-02 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:04:54, B-52G Lilac-03 bombed Kinh No Complex.

00:04:56, Missile launched
Target distance: 7km
Target azimuth: 3°
Target elevation: 15°
Target altitude: 2km
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

00:04:57, B-52D Walnut-01 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.
00:04:59, B-52D Walnut-03 bombed Phuc Yen AFB.

00:05:07, Missile exploded
F-4 number 2 of pair-1 blocking Zea Lam airfield killed by SAM. (miss distance: 80m)

00:05:48, Missile launched
Target distance: 8km
Target azimuth: 339°
Target elevation: 3°
Target altitude: 484m
Missile guidance method: TT (Three Point)

Note, that AAR didn't include a Total SNR On Air Time, I don't know why it isn't included, however in fact i switched my SNR on once, for a very short time, to check if there is any borntrough, as there wasn't any, I left my SNR off for all 6 missiles fired.
As you see, I got both, the flight (01:56 and 05:07) blocking Zea Lam and the flight (03:32 and 04:22) blocking Noi Bai.

Last edited by xxJohnxx; 08/20/12 09:41 PM.