Man, there's so much stuff to try out at this link...: (thank you again, sparks50)

... that I have no clear idea where to start. Apparently there's no such thing as an AI mod like
the one I'd want to see. Right now I'm downloading the last ACE package, hoping it's compatible
with 1.18 (it should be). I'm also getting the VOP sound mod, specific for the ACE mod.
Let's see if by pairing two things meant to work together I can get a better feel for it.

Oh dear, there goes my bandwidth for this month. I'm downloading over a GB of stuff.
My memory goes back to my first pc videogame: Frogger... on my green monochrome monitor. It would
fit in about 90 KB - I should still have the floppy around, hehehe. Probably gone unreadable by now.
Ehh, life was so easier back then blahblahblah

I never finish anyth