Back to the simulator !

I have noticed some thing, so,questions :
- In volhov, or Dvina, "PUSK" and "VROSVRAT" Buttons works as intended for ! (even if it's inverted position in Dvina!)
But in Neva "PUSK I" and "PUSK II" works, and "VROSVRAT I" and "VROSVRAT II" Buttons don't work !
is it intended to be like that ("VROSVRAT" Buttons don't work), because it's like that in reality, or something is missing,
or simply "not simulated function" !??

- and in this case, in Neva system, how can we "abort" after launching missile ?
- In Volhov, or in Dvina, after launching missile(s), we can "unlock" all automatic tracking modes (range, elevation and azimuth)
but we don't lose the missile, still possible to "manually" guided them to another target, in the same orientation of cores !
in Neva system, if we "unlock" the automatic tracking mode, we lose right now the missile, and it disappear from all radars scope !
so, is it normal behavior ??

and just by curiosity, what's for the RED Button, to be RED stand for "Dangerous" or "warning" !
and the Black Switch pointed by the "Black Arrow" !

What's inside the 3 green squares,,
I have noticed in square n°1, the two green light exchange lighting, (not always, I don't remember exactly what i have do!),
but they never lights both at the same times !
and what could do the two potentiometers ?
what's for the rectangular windows, in square n°2, looking well, it looks like an indicator instrument, what is it ?
What's inside the green squares n°3,, it seems not "at live" switch ?

Last edited by wasfa; 02/22/12 07:15 AM.