
The other day I was reading a document (thesis) regarding Wild Weasel missions against the SA-2 SAM in Vietnam and it mentioned a couple of interesting things about the SA-2 that I wanted to run past you and get your opinion on for accuracy:
'......the SA-2 system usually required a high degree of operator skill to engage fighters, for there was an appreciable delay between the time a need for a direction change was recognized and when the missile responded to the new flight path.'

'The SA-2, despite its radar guidance and maneuverability, was not physically capable of making drastic changes of direction to compensate for significant evasive maneuvers made by its intended target. There was about a 5-second delay between the time the Fansong's computer recognized a need to alter the missile course and when the missile actually responded to the new guidance command.'

Would you agree with these statements? I'm quite surprised at the apparent delay in missile guidance if true.


*********I have quite a large collection of Flight, Weapon Systems, Tactical & Supplementary Aircraft Manuals for Jets, Helicopters & some Props, spanning the Vietnam era to present. If you're interested in trading Flight Manuals, mainly for modern military aircraft, send me a PM.*********