1) ‘Podgotovka’ of Krug missiles – can they remain in ‘ready’ (spinned-up) mode endlessly, or we have something more to simulate?

2) Locking on ground clutter – Piston has made a good point. In most cases I switch SDC off after locking angle+range, because I’m not perfect at wind adjustment and lock is sometimes lost. With SDC off it NEVER loses track - perfect track is maintained all the way despite rolling through lot of clutter which look essentially the same as the target. For the sake of realism (fewer multiple kills, sigh), I think it should change.
Or, if real systems can do that, I wouldn’t say I’m not happy…

3) back to the problem of:

Originally Posted By: Hpasp

- Why Neva missiles are immediately lost after auto-track in angle is lost, even for just a moment? (SDC only and tgt radial speed change, of course). Volkhov has no such feature and you can guide missiles without auto-track, if necessary.

This is the real Neva system behavior.
It is related to the fact, that search and tracking are handled by different antennas, and coordinate systems.

BUT, if in real life whole shooting sequence is possible with transmitter off (I mean visual tracking which is not simulated), or even manual trackers can hold the boresight in place in case the target starts jamming or so already after launch (AS/ASAP lost, continuing on RS) - there is not a sine qua non condition that radar lock must be there.
Boresight lines of target and missile tracking must be zeroed in anyway...
By the way, if different antenna sets deal with target and missile, there must be same problem as with Volkhov 'narrow beam' - or misalignments can be ignored because of distances shorter than in Volkhov shooting?