My goodness Smile2

I took that

Various emergency & service cars script by naryv posted an today

-from your heads-up thanks Frog and added the script (with BabelFished comments) to my initial ambulance-deploying test mission

I took my Spit up and pulled it around to try to break something - sturdy girl Smile2 and finally did a touch-and-go to break one gear wheel

I managed to land on one wheel with a broken prop and I was ASTONISHED/made up to see two service vehicles approaching my damaged plane (shots below and track saved)

'ASTONISHED' because trust me dear FMB-interested reader nothing ever works first time and this worked first time. Robust.

For mission builders then - you can grab the script and add it to a single/whatever mission and test it out. Break something and find airfield equipment ready to assist you as you climb out of your damaged plane. There are probably lots of variants in the script - Ataros at the 1C forum pointed to here by FearlessFrog says it's 'Various emergency & service cars script by naryv posted an today' (Russian forum, excellent)

I just added the script from naryv to my standard test-flying mission...

From your standard test-flying (or single/whatever) mission, copy and paste in the script it's magic well done CoD developers!


I did not create these vehicles in this standard testing-mission

They must have been spawned from the script by naryv. Cool stuff.

'You are either a hater or you are not' Roman Halter