Originally Posted By: NaiseFail

*facepalm* On second thought, a line graph wouldn't work very well for showing the missile in relation to the target. You'd need a system that could display the information in 3 dimensions. In my example you can clearly see the target turning left, while the missile turns right to intercept. However, it doesn't actually display the point of detonation in relation to the target.

I understand your point, but if you read this on the simulator mainpage:
This is rather a system simulator, not a game.
The main goal during development was to simulate what the operators of the SAM battalion could see, and hear during engagement.

Think about it: SAM operators didn't had a good idea of the engagement. They didn't have a perfect 3D graphic showing the position of their target and their missiles in a timeline to study their own eficiency...

Ok, i know... "But it's not real, it's virtual simulator..." But i think that, knowing the simulator isn't a remunerated project, we can't expect this features for a near future.
Combining the plotting screen with the current AAR system looks very good and acceptable IMHO.
I liked the idea of getting a plotting table with the updates on altitude and position of detected targets and the hits, together with the current AAR, in the end of the battle.
I think that's a good and doable idea.

Last edited by Redcoalition; 02/11/11 01:15 PM.