After almost a year of shooting wider field targets through refractor telescopes, I decided to go back and image through my Schmitt Cassegrain Telescope (SCT). The SCT has a much longer focal length which equates to higher magnification (you guys already knew that though ;)). That makes things more challenging as any tracking errors are also magnified.

The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635) found in the Constellation of Cassiopeia. This one is awaiting some true colour data. In the mean time I ran it through a False Hydrogen Alpha (Ha) action in Photoshop. It should be pretty close to how it should look.

M16 - The Eagle Nebula in the Constellation of Serpens. This is a 'Stellar Nursery'. New stars are being formed in the huge columns of gas and dust.

And finally NGC 6946. A Face on Spiral Galaxy in Cephus. It is fairly close to us as galaxies go, a mere 10 million light years.

Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.
Carl Sagan