Originally posted by II./JG1_Pritzl:
Am I the only one who prefers the synthesized sounds? Authentic wave files are all fine and dandy for nostalgia's sake, but I find the doppler effect in the IL-2 engine, the true 3D'dness of the sound and the attenuated external sounds while in cockpit far more immersive.
Frankly, I can't STAND the sound in this game. The "3Dness" of the sound loses it for me when I start hearing some bomber's gunner firing all the way across the map. The engines dampening when you fire the guns etc just scream "ARCADE!". Compared to games from even 5 years ago the sound in this game sucks...

For all the high quality work done elsewhere in this sim I find the sound engine to be several orders of magnitude of lesser quality than the rest of the game.

I do a lot of video and audio editing and have played with tons of different sound generators of various kinds. The IL2 engine is simply one of the worst I've ever come across in any context.