I can't resist posting this slightly premature message, just to annoy the heck out of you ;\)

I've found the code to choose my opponents, but still need to do some work...

I chose a Scout to fly and an Eindecker1 and Otter as opponents. It was like a turkey shoot, way too easy. They were slow and un-manoeuvrable, in fact I could tail them with ease throughout most of the dogfight. Actually the Otter was so slow I was in constant danger of rear ending it \:\) It was still trying to get me, just very bad at it!

As unrealistic as the Dreidecker seems, and to some degree the Fisch.R, better to leave them as more challenging opponents (still not that hard). If we tweaked them you'd need to make our aircraft more sluggish to remove the advantage. It seems that whatever the human player gets, we still have the advantage in handling. I'm not too keen to tackle altering the Flight Model, as I'd really be stabbing in the dark without source code. Unless it was as simple as finding the Agility, Speed, Endurance [X/9] values as per the hangar view, that's as much as I might tweak.

It would be good if some enthusiasts here could rate each aircraft, and see if there is really much of a difference in handling, then compare it to the AI in control of the same aircraft (oh, that's right you only get four of them :p ).

Let us know if you are able to replace the plane's text labels which show up in the Hangar, and we'll provide the correct designations eg the RFC "Dove" is a BE2e although some have taken it for the similar RE8.
Yes, that's almost certainly possible, as are the pilot names. While I'm still playing, you guys could draw up a list of the correct aircraft names (equal text chars or less), and I'll try to ammend that later. It'll keep you busy :p

P.S. Cas141, Ivor, Polovski, & everyone else, thanks for your general enthusiasm, otherwise I might not be bothered so much.