That developers find forums such hostile places is probably the saddest thing to come out of this whole story. Between us, in a few threads, we have outlined pretty much what we want from flightsims, looked at ways to achieve it, and sympathised with a group of guys who tried and failed. All very adult, mature, and thoughtful stuff. If only MORE forums were like this MORE of the time...well, who knows! As long as the flame-fests such as the UBI forums dominate, it's no wonder the Dev's don't want to get invovled!

In the end...we all lose out.
As Osram and the rest of the BOB team has effectively re-written half of BOB I am sure he knows more than most.

The other thing I find odd is that people get isolated into one sim - the idea that "I play Il2 so I'm not playing CFS3" is non sensical. We are all in this together as a community and it is only as a community that we can ever be heard. If one good thing has cme out of this it is that I believe people have increasingly realized that we need to support the sim aspect of the games industry if it is to be developed.

Gravity is all in the mind...or the beer!