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Feature: 2008 - Sim Year in Review

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The First Annual SimHQ Terdles Awards

For our final awards of 2008, it's time for a new category, one that will take your breath away... with the smell. The 2008 Terdles Awards.

The list of contestants was long and completely undistinguished. So it took the judges well over 10 minutes to make their choices. Was it worth all that investment in time and energy? We shall see, we shall see.

First Nominee

The latest group of disgruntled malcontents

...who cannot or will not play by the rules, misbehave again and again, and have the door hit them in the butt. Only to try and come back again, and again. See, they hate it here because we're so heavy handed with our moderation, and yet they love it here. Which is it? Make up your mind. You hate it here, leave, to never be seen or heard from again. You love it here, okay!, a little contrition and some indication you have good intentions will go a long ways.

Second Nominee

The biggest simulation dissapointments in 2008

  • No PT Boats sim yet.
  • Not. A. Word. from Lead-Pursuit.

Third Nominee

The biggest PC simulation killers in 2008

  • Time - the job
  • Time - the kids
  • Time - SWMBO (for the ladies, HWMBO)
  • Time - all 3
  • I'm bored with sims/gaming
  • Expense of the equipment
  • I'm too old to remember all those keystroke combinations
  • XBox 360

And the winner is (if you can have "winner" and "Terdle" coexist in the same universe at the same time): The Biggest PC simulation killers in 2008!


2008 wasn’t a bad year by any means in the simulation world, but an awful lot of it was spent looking at screenshots of upcoming simulations in 2009 and wishing others would get going — like a PT boat simulation, for example.

Here's to a better 2009!


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