
I have remapped all important command keys to a multi-button joystick with collie-had in order to use with EF2000 v2.0 DOS.
I have tested joystick behavior with the simulator/free flight and takeoffs. All views can be switched freely with the hat, the rudder and nose-steering on the ground will work.

Here's how to setup your joystick:

If you own a plug-and-play device it will not be difficult to install it in WIN: just plug it et voilà.
Callibrate the joystick in Windows beeing sure all axes and buttons are activated.
Now, with DosBox 0.74, you must configure joystick settings as follow:

Note: you must use the fcs drop down, otherwise the Dosbox mappings will not work.

Now, you must run the CONFIG.EXE within Dosbox, go in Preferences, Joystick setup and calibrate it there.
You will be asked if you have a rudder. Answer NO.
Then, calibrate the throttle; with the settings above it should appear as a clean bar.
You are asked if having a Flightstick Pro; Answer YES.

Lucky you, you don't have to do the mapping, i have already done this for you.
Copy and paste the following content in a txt file with the name mapper_EF2000.txt and put it in the main directory of your front end.

hand_shutdown "key 290 mod1"
hand_capmouse "key 291 mod1"
hand_fullscr "key 13 mod2"
hand_pause "key 19 mod2"
hand_mapper "key 282 mod1"
hand_speedlock "key 293 mod2"
hand_recwave "key 287 mod1"
hand_caprawmidi "key 289 mod1 mod2"
hand_scrshot "key 286 mod1"
hand_video "key 286 mod1 mod2"
hand_decfskip "key 288 mod1"
hand_incfskip "key 289 mod1"
hand_cycledown "key 292 mod1"
hand_cycleup "key 293 mod1"
hand_caprawopl "key 288 mod1 mod2"
hand_swapimg "key 285 mod1"
key_esc "key 27"
key_f1 "key 282"
key_f2 "key 283"
key_f3 "key 284"
key_f4 "key 285"
key_f5 "key 286"
key_f6 "key 287"
key_f7 "key 288"
key_f8 "key 289"
key_f9 "key 290"
key_f10 "key 291"
key_f11 "key 292"
key_f12 "key 293"
key_grave "key 96"
key_1 "key 49"
key_2 "key 50"
key_3 "key 51"
key_4 "key 52"
key_5 "key 53"
key_6 "key 54"
key_7 "key 55"
key_8 "key 56"
key_9 "key 57"
key_0 "key 48"
key_minus "key 45"
key_equals "key 61"
key_bspace "key 8"
key_tab "key 9"
key_q "key 113"
key_w "key 119"
key_e "key 101"
key_r "key 114"
key_t "key 116"
key_y "key 121"
key_u "key 117"
key_i "key 105"
key_o "key 111"
key_p "key 112"
key_lbracket "key 91"
key_rbracket "key 93"
key_enter "key 13"
key_capslock "key 301"
key_a "key 97"
key_s "key 115"
key_d "key 100"
key_f "key 102"
key_g "key 103"
key_h "key 104"
key_j "key 106"
key_k "key 107"
key_l "key 108"
key_semicolon "key 59"
key_quote "key 39"
key_backslash "key 92"
key_lshift "stick_0 hat 0 2" "stick_0 hat 0 8" "stick_0 hat 0 4" "stick_0 hat 0 1" "key 304"
key_lessthan "key 60"
key_z "key 122"
key_x "key 120"
key_c "key 99"
key_v "key 118"
key_b "key 98"
key_n "key 110"
key_m "key 109"
key_comma "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "stick_0 axis 3 0" "key 44"
key_period "stick_0 axis 3 1" "key 46"
key_slash "key 47"
key_rshift "key 303"
key_lctrl "key 306"
key_lalt "key 308"
key_space "key 32"
key_ralt "key 307"
key_rctrl "key 305"
key_printscreen "key 316"
key_scrolllock "key 302"
key_pause "key 19"
key_insert "key 277"
key_home "key 278"
key_pageup "key 280"
key_delete "key 127"
key_end "key 279"
key_pagedown "key 281"
key_up "stick_0 hat 0 1" "key 273"
key_left "stick_0 hat 0 8"
key_down "stick_0 hat 0 4" "key 274"
key_right "stick_0 hat 0 2" "key 275"
key_numlock "key 300"
key_kp_divide "key 267"
key_kp_multiply "key 268"
key_kp_minus "key 269"
key_kp_7 "key 263"
key_kp_8 "key 264"
key_kp_9 "key 265"
key_kp_plus "key 270"
key_kp_4 "key 260"
key_kp_5 "key 261"
key_kp_6 "key 262"
key_kp_1 "key 257"
key_kp_2 "key 258"
key_kp_3 "key 259"
key_kp_enter "key 271"
key_kp_0 "key 256"
key_kp_period "key 266"
jbutton_0_0 "stick_0 button 0"
jbutton_0_1 "stick_0 button 1"
jaxis_0_1- "stick_0 axis 1 0"
jaxis_0_1+ "stick_0 axis 1 1"
jaxis_0_0- "stick_0 axis 0 0"
jaxis_0_0+ "stick_0 axis 0 1"
jbutton_0_2 "stick_0 button 2"
jbutton_0_3 "stick_0 button 3"
jaxis_0_2- "stick_0 axis 2 0"
jaxis_0_2+ "stick_0 axis 2 1"
jaxis_0_3- "stick_0 axis 3 0"
jaxis_0_3+ "stick_0 axis 3 1"
jhat_0_0_0 "stick_0 hat 0 1"
jhat_0_0_3 "stick_0 hat 0 8"
jhat_0_0_2 "stick_0 hat 0 4"
jhat_0_0_1 "stick_0 hat 0 2"
mod_1 "key 305" "key 306"
mod_2 "key 307" "key 308"

You must now tell the front end to use this mapper file instead of the standard DosBox mapper. Here's how you set it up:

It's important to chose the US keyboard with the corresponding code page!
You are done. Be sure to save the mapper_EF2000.txt for future usage.

If you want to map keys yourself with any game in Dosbox you can do it pressing CTRL-F1 during the game. the readme of Dosbox gives you more details.

Have fun with EF2000 !