For once it seems the rumors were true. Shortly after our last training hop, we received the official word to weigh anchor and head toward the Indian Ocean. After steaming south, the carrier group arrives in the Persian Gulf. Our training though is not quite finished. We still need some practice with the air to air equipment on this plane. After too many days of no flying, I load up to head out and shoot down some drones.

Today I'm packing some serious heat. Two Aim 9X, 6 Slammers, and 2 Sparrows round out the arsenal

The setting sun lights up the sky with pinks and purples as I sit waiting my turn to launch.

Afterburner blazing merrily, I rotate and climb into the evening sky.

Feet Dry over the practice area

I set up the radar for a 140 degree, 6 bar sweep. I'm not sure if I'll actually be able to pick up anything at this range though. Sure enough, after a few seconds I start getting hits.

I cycle down the range and punch the button for TWS.

I enter RAID mode and pick up a second target. Looks like heavy bombers or transport class aircraft moving at mach 0.5 and FL300. I also pick up a spike on the EW page. MiG 21.

I cue up the Slammers, slew the cursor over one of the bombers and designate.

Fox 3!!!

The first Bear becomes a flaming ball of wreckage.

I loose another missile at the second.

This one proves to be made of sterner stuff. Upon closing to check the kill I find him with two engines out but still hanging on.

I slide back and manually uncage a sidewinder, good tone, fox 2!!

The striken Russian bomber tumbles from the sky.

I turn around and using my EW page as guidance, quickly locate two more contacts. Switching to TWS RAID, I designate them both.

I lock the leader up in STT and close in for the kill. Definitely MiG 21's

I give the trailer over to my thus far neglected wingman, Fox 2 on the leader.

Splash 3

Seconds later, my wingman sends the other MiG plummeting as well, trailing a thick band of black smoke.

Back to home plate, on glide slope, but fast and descending too quickly. Nevertheless, I managed to trap safely. Not the prettiest, but still a fair landing.

Well, that concludes my aircraft familiarization course. There is definitely more to learn, but the CAG has given me the ok, I'm combat ready. Just in time too. The way things are going here, it won't be long before we'll be launching out over hostile territory...