Hey Eugen, thanks for taking the time to read all this.

The biggest issue I have is the desync you mention. I'll be running away from a zombie and he will stop and start attacking where I was and I will be hit as if I was there. It happens even more often when I am around buildings or moving in and out of doorways.

It seems very similar to the issue a few patches ago when player locations on the server side were behaving oddly resulting in tons and tons of rubberbanding. It is as if the server side player location that the zombie is after just stops while I keep moving; however, I am never rubberbanded back to the spot the zombie is attacking.

It seems like similar to the rubberbanding that vaulting somewhat fixes it, but it might just be a placebo.

Yes this should be fixed next update.

Some other answers by Eugen on the zeds..

It would help to be more specific each time you write something like this, zombies have many issues and each and one of them is or will be worked on. This is no easy task.

Movement : Navmesh is working fine, we have improved version internaly, however zombies moving through walls atm is animation and geometry issue. That is being worked on as well. Long term though since animation system has to be replaced.

Desync : mostly item synchronization issue , server performance (not server fps), is again fixed internaly. It was introduced after persistence, loot respawn and cleanup. This introduced different sleep arrays for items,mobiles and thus had a lot of issues at the begging.

AI : need hardcoded engine sensors, script is not getting there, worked on.

Amount : Mostly server performance and network code, which is constantly being worked on, long term goal as well.

Stealth : Part of AI and sensors

Damage : Damage system and hardcoded events

You again need to be concrete, and no they are not placeholder in any sense, they are in development. Models might be a placeholder. You use a placeholder in place of feature,model,system if it is not being worked on. Which is not the case. We do work on zombies and have made progress over last few months.

We are really passionate about the game and what we can create, the early access is about being able to see what ins and outs games go through before they go retail. Its about feedback, communities, passion, tech and design, iteration and bugs most of all.

Desync issue has been fixed (aka zombies hitting from insane distance, or invisible zombies)

Well, its the new system but it has placeholder hit detection system. It is finaly hardcoded rather than scripted and should have a new detection system soon. At the moment it just checks if the mobile is under aiming cursor and confirms a hit.

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