Hey JC, were you able to give it a go? What did you think?

I've now made it beyond the point where my first run ended. Can't really say much about it without spoilers. I could/should have looked up where I was going, as I spent probably two hours wandering around at 1300m looking for the entrance, all the while hounded by warpers and leviathans. Warpers suck. I built the repulsion cannon so when they remove me from the Prawn I can send them flying away, which buys time to get back in and move on.

Speaking of the Prawn, I am really enjoying it this time. I am doing late game stuff, looking for a way to get off the planet, and I am going everywhere in this thing. In the first run, I mostly used the Cyclops to transport the Prawn to wherever I wanted to use it, then would deploy it, use it, and return to the sub. But this time around my Cyclops is just sitting at my DGR base while I play an underwater exo-Tarzan. With the right modifications, and once you get the hang of it, the Prawn can move very quickly, at times faster than even the Seamoth. It's just a lot of fun navigating the gameworld in this thing.

I don't know how close I am to finding a way off, but I am now seeing the things I had not gotten to before. The story has gained momentum and it's cool stuff. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!