1) I was flying Albi with about 15 of my 'Green Tailed' squad mates and two insane SPAD VII aircraft dived down to 'play'! I don't mind being the recipient of attention from time to time but why is it 'always'? I was flying with the formation. I wasn't a 'straggler'. I wasn't on the end. Can someone explain to me why this always occurs? I'd like to be the guy who comes to the aid of a squad mate instead of the other way around.

2) I was by myself being chased by a Nieuport 23 aircraft and some 'friendlies' flew past the opposite direction just a few meters above and kept going. I hit the 'attack' key and got the 'okay' response but... nada, nuthin, no dice, nothing! What gives!?

FWIW: the N23 and SPAD were knocked down by me!