Traveling in Spain with Wife and friends.
Just now leaving from Madrid via high speed rail headed to Seville
Madrid is very urban. Most people walk, cab or scooter. Did not see a single Ford F-350 Dually! biggrin
Not a World traveler, but have to say on average that I am experiencing a high level of rudeness.
Mind you, I can't speak Spanish. But my Wife does. Madridians go from 0-100 if you speak in English. Guess most English speaking people are A-holes or something. It was funny because a young lady in a beer kiosk asked me nicely what cerveza I wanted, and I responded in English. Bing! Instant #%&*$#. Hmm. Got my beer, euos tossed at me, then she sweetly responds to a Spanish speaking male.
Mmmkay. As Panzer likes to hear me say, I am fixing to get ugly.
But that said, the architecture, parks, small shops are so much fun to experience.
Had a great time. Now on to the Coast!


In my defense, I was left unsupervised...