Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.

I went with a friend and saw this because it was the only one we both could agree on so I wasn't expecting much. Chris Pine's Jack Ryan was the best Jack Ryan since Alec Baldwin. Kenneth Brannaugh played and directed the movie and his work was well done.

A few plot conveniences made some things too predictable but on a whole I liked it. I enjoyed the characters. Keira Knightly looks beautiful and is used to good effect. I haven't read a Tom Clancey book in a while but wasn't there a back story in one of the books where Jack meets his wife because she was his physical therapist or doctor? That's where the movie starts and I felt the telling of that relayed the relationship without too much mellow-drama or unnecessary fluff.

As far as the CIA portion of the movie goes it was tight and in places heart poundingly good. A few quibbles like the conveniences I alluded to before bring it down a notch but over all a good re-imagining of the Jack Ryan story.


Last edited by knightgames; 01/25/14 05:38 AM.