LANDING these Birds, without Flaps, or Brakes ain't as easy as it sounds. On your approach, anytime you dive to shed altitude you'll speed up. And while chopping your throttle is always a good idea when diving, don't turn that engine off, as you might not be able to restart. #25
I don't care what the CFS3 routine is to start your engine - you don't have a starter. So unless you're flying at 160 mph and that prop is going to spin in the wind, or you brought along a mythical corporal to spin your prop, you're SCREWED'

Fly with your throttle, losing altitude can be a good thing, but you might need to start your approach 5 miles out, especially if your aircraft is a 'Good' Glider like a Nieuport.

You find most airfields have a Row of trees, at the end of the runway. If you can't clear the trees, you'll need to give it gas, to fly over them.
Now you're 25 feet up, going 85mph, anything above 60mph, your landing gear collapes, followed by a loud noise which you might not hear.

So you do a little SIDESLIPPING. Engine at idle, mild left rudder, with a gentle bank to the right. You're now flying slightly sideways, in the same general direction, you're losing altitude and slowing down. Don't attempt to Land without straightening out first, as your landing gear will collapse

Forget . . the 3 Point Landing, that's with a tailwheel that you don't have, and your engine Lacks the power to do a decent flare.

The instant your wheels touch the ground. Kill that engine ( the quicker, the better ). Then Dig for Potatoes with your tailskid to stop

Exception with the DR1, as she'll do a backflip, a little Rudder side to side is required . . watch those wingtips. After you're down to about 30 mph, dig those potatoes

The SE5a is a Bouncer, only cure for that is stalling 6 inches up, easier said than done