Turn 60, August 6th 1942

The Battle for Baku

In the morning hours of August 6th, a Thursday, the artillery of I and XXX infantry corps open fire on the Soviet positions west of Baku. After a brief but violent barrage the assault troops of 11th, 50th, 61th, and 290th infantry divisions attack and quickly rout the defending Russian divisions. 14th and 18th MotInf divisions overrun the airfields North of the city, and then the Panzers are unleashed for the last time: 12th and 24th Panzerdivisions roll forward, nothing able to withstand the 220 tanks and 28.000 men, supported by corps and army level artillery.


It's over.

After 60 weeks Operation Barbarossa ends with a total German victory!

The Red Army has been broken.

German losses:

Troops: 1.817.550
Guns: 18.097
AFVs: 4.735
Aircraft: 2.887

Soviet losses:

Troops: 9.063.009
Guns: 130.274
AFVs: 26.046
Aircraft: 18.528

It's been an amazing ride and it's been one of the most fascinating gaming experiences of my life. Thank you all for your continued interest, your encouragement, your humour and understanding despite numerous breaks and delays. I wouldn't have finished this monster of a game without you guys. I hope you enjoyed this "virtual year" on the Eastern Front as much as I did.

A final note at the end of this AAR: my deepest respect goes to those who fought and died getting the world rid of the Nazi regime. May they never be forgotten.

Last edited by Para_Bellum; 04/04/12 09:57 PM.

"...late afternoon the Air Tasking Order came in [and] we found the A-10 part and we said, "We are going where!? We are doing what!?"

Capt. Todd Sheehy, Hog pilot, on receiving orders during Operation Desert Storm