I would prove my assertion of 290 Victory Points in 14 turns. However, good manners dictates that maps/game screens ONLY relating to Para_Bellum's After Action Reports be posted here. In other words, no hijacking or appearance of hijacking will be made on this thread until and/or after Para_Bellum has finished his campaign.

Hopefully, the following story may be only pushing the "limits:"

American POWs are standing in formation, in a German Stalag.
All are bobbing their heads from side to side while saying "tick - tock, tick - tock..."
All except one guy in the back row just tilting his head to one side while saying, "tick - tick - tick..."
The furious monocled German Commander notices him and quickly gets into this guys' face and says,
"Vee haf vays of makink you TOCK!!" banghead exitstageleft