I have done zero MP in RoF. Not likely to, either. I’m not angry or disappointed about it. It just doesn’t sound like my cup of tea for the following reasons:

Practice. How many time have I read people say “You must die 100 times before you can get anything done. “ or words to that effect. That doesn’t sound fun to me at all. I don’t have time to “practice” a game. I want to play the thing and do the missions. Getting sniped by folks who play MP a lot because I haven’t “paid my dues” is not appealing at all.

You must suffer but it’s worth it. Not for me. The prevailing story seems to be “Kills, while hard to get, feel great!”. Perhaps, but shooting down a human would mean no more to me than bagging an AI plane. I do not subscribe to the notion that “It is not enough that I succeed, others must fail”. It’s not like I down the AI controlled aircraft with the greatest of ease as it is. Those gunners are deadly!

Teamwork. This makes perfect sense. It is still problematic. I would be expected to play at certain times when acquaintances are flying. Not good. I want to play whenever I want. I don’t want to schedule the play time. This need to adhere to a schedule limits the time I could ever invest and we’ve already established that a lot of time is required to become proficient enough to get beyond the “suffering” phase. Ugh.

TrackIR. I don’t have it. Do you really need it? Is it a big advantage? Do you need two or three screens? This is not a whine. But if this equipment does convey significant advantages then folks without it need to know that the playing field is not level. What percentage of what might be called “accomplished” MP pilots use TrackIR? I’m just curious as I have no idea.

I’ll let others show up to be a target drone for folks who dig MP big time. I have no desire to do the whole “padawan” thing with an MP Jedi master. I do not have the endurance, determination and passion to put in the time. These three traits are indispensible from what I've read around the forum.

I bring these things up because there must be many others who eschew MP for the same reasons. This is why the career beta must continue to move forward.

To you all for whom MP lands right in your wheelhouse, good luck and have fun!

Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like bananas.