Since the EECH Central wiki is little outdated
and we've gotten too view people and need more testing,

please setup Your routers correctly for MP

dplay TCP 2300-2400 server 2300-2400
dplay UDP 2300-2400 server 2300-2400
dplay TCP 47624 server 47624
dplay8 UDP 6073 server 6073
dplay UDP 47624 server 47624
+ ICMP echo in both directions.

and set usemaster=1 in eech.ini
for every game reported to if You are on a broadband internet connection,
Thank You.

I suggest You help each other connecting and coordinate MP session in a temporary EECH channel on the SimHQ TS 3 Server:
or simply exchange Skype accounts, mine is same like my forum nick, I'm usually on between 0900-2100 UTC.

Good hunting.