After trolling - and being trolled - in the Community Hall these last few days and things getting more than a little heated, I took a step back and realized why I actually joined this forum... for sims!

It's pretty quiet on the Jane's Longbow front nowadays, but in an effort to keep my hand in and try and prove I'm still worth a damn, I came up with an idea that might interest some of you.

I know you'll all likely have the various programs and bits you need to get LB1/LB2 installed and running but would any of you be interested in me putting a CD together with all the related programs on, as well as LB2 custom missions, mods, etc?

It would mainly be all the content off my website, but other things could be added such as my LB2 Vista/7 Fix as not everyone may be able to download that (at over 200Mb), and perhaps things like +G's LB2 install guide made available for offline viewing?

Any suggestions or additions for a CD would be appreciated. A small charge would be set so as to just cover each CD-R and shipping costs.