Originally Posted By: Para_Bellum
Turn 28, December 25th 1941

East of Novgorod the 58th Infantry Division, gallantly supported by more than 80 aircraft, repulsed attacks by 3 Soviet rifle divisions, 2 rifle brigades, 1 naval infantry brigade and several artillery regiments, inflicting over 5.000 casualties, while suffering only light losses (363 men). In the Vyshnyvolochek sector the 251st Infantry Division helds its position against 3 rifle brigades, 2 tank brigades, a rifle division and a cavalry corps! South of Voronezh the 71st Infantry Divisions fought back 3 rifle divisions, 2 tank brigades and 2 naval infantry brigades.

Ah! So this is where those elusive Iron Crosses grow!

"When I saw The Matrix at a local theatre in Slovenia, I had the unique opportunity of sitting close to the ideal spectator of the film - namely, to an idiot." - Slavoj Zizek