Originally Posted By: Heretic
Still, there's red everywhere!

I hope there will be much less red on the map after my next offensive.


Also, you're willing to give up nearly 300 mi should push come to shove?
The Führer might not be amused about that...

That's the fallback line for the "worst case" scenario. I hope I won't get pushed back that far.

Originally Posted By: oldgrognard
Question for you Para; your northern pincer for Westerwald. Is there a reason you are striking there ? The mountains seem to work against you. Why not just about 4 North-east, down that line to the junction and then straight south ? It would seem less terrain issues and less opposition. Would it stretch the northern pincer to far out of position from the southern one. I can't tell because of how the screens show it. Would that put you beyond air support or logistical support ?

Good question. The main idea for the northern pincer was to avoid having to cross rivers, which always slows down an advance. I'll only have a narrow window of three to four weeks to inflict maximum casualties on the Red Army before the blizzards hit, so it's important to seal the pocket in one week if possible. OTOH the Russians did indeed fortify some of those mountain hexes, which could prove difficult to crack. Due to a delay (another turn of mud) I was also able to shift a few more infantry divisions south and an assault from the area you proposed would also provide a nice flank protection through the rivers Msta and Tveritsa. So, consider my plan changed, I'll attack a bit further north.

Turn 21, November 6th 1941

There was yet another turn of mud, so nothing worth reporting happened that turn. Thanks to that unexpected delay I was able to deploy my forces according to the altered plan for the northern pincer of Westerwald though.

Next turn (with action again!) is already finished, just need to do the write-up. Check back later this evening.

"...late afternoon the Air Tasking Order came in [and] we found the A-10 part and we said, "We are going where!? We are doing what!?"

Capt. Todd Sheehy, Hog pilot, on receiving orders during Operation Desert Storm