Originally Posted By: oldgrognard
Bravo. Excellent game and AAR.

These strategic/operational games are my favorite. Grew up playing them. First te board games and then as they transitioned onto the computer.

Thus my username.

What I find so fascinating is that you really face much of the same problems the historical commanders did. I'm currently re-reading Guderian's memoirs and sometimes it feels as if he's writing about my game.

Been hooked on these games since Jonny Reb 2 on the C64 back in the 80s.



Originally Posted By: Airdrop01
Para_bellum, again thanks for this. Can you tell me how the game works with encirclement? I admit I haven't read the entire manual (I'm waiting for the hard copy)... I have a hard time figuring out what the encircled troops supply status is. Since the turns are one week, and since at the beginning of the war it is absolute frenzied advance for the Germans, my problem is that I end up blowing by any encirclements and just end up killing/capturing or routing them with the follow on troops. I mean, it is lightning war like I've never seen!

Anyway, basically, I'm curious what you do (how long you wait, etc.) with encircled units (like when you get a pocket of 24 divisions, etc.!)


Cut-off enemy troops will suffer severe penalties to morale and combat power starting one turn after you have actually surrounded them. Also they might even start surrendering without a fight during your enemy's turn. Always check the pockets with the 'show battles' function at the start of your turn to see what or if units have surrendered.

Forming pockets is very important because only surrounded units surrender. If you rout enemy units then only a fraction of their troops are actually killed/captured, the majority is transferred back to the force pool, as they're supposed to simply have run away to the rear. Getting the enemy to surrender is what really hurts him.

Strong, multi-division stacks in fortified hexes may need more than one turn to force them to surrender, but an average division after one week of being cut off is basically dead.

Turn 14-16

I've merged these into one report because it was pretty much the same every turn.

In the north the Battle of Leningrad continues in full force, 100.000 German soldiers attacking the fortified city from the west. The Soviets resist stubbornly, but after three weeks of fighting the souther parts of Leningrad, the suburbs of Pushkin and Kolpino are in German hands. The Red Army has concentrated its remaining force on the defence of Leningrad harbour, which we will hopefully take next turn.

In the centre the Battle of Moscow rages on, all attempts at relieving the besieged city beaten back and the infantry of VI, VII and VIII corps fighting their way through the city. With 1/3 of the Soviet capital already in our hands, 130.000 men prepare for the final assault on the eastern and northern parts of the city.

Once Leningrad and Moscow are taken I intend to cut off the large Russian bulge that stretches out to Velikie Luki. In the north XL Panzerkorps is ready, but I will need to give the Panzerdivisions around Moscow some time to rest, resupply and refit before I commit them again. Problem is that with October coming we'll soon see the dreaded Rasputitsa the "time without roads" where the muddy weather brings all mobile operations to a complete stop. Oh, and the frantic race to lake Ladoga has caused quite some chaos among my corps and divisions. I need at least a turn or two two reorganize and restructure my corps and armies. At least logistics is getting better since the railheads are slowly catching up again.

In the southern part of the front I plan on reaching a line going from Voronezh to Rostov before winter. The river lines should help in fortifying my lines.

6th Army has taken Kursk and Kharkov and Belgorod will fall next turn.

9th Panzerdivision has reached Voroshilovgrad on the Don and the bulk of Panzergruppe 1 has cut around Stalino. Once we've cleared out that pocket I will stop major offensive operations in that area for the next couple of weeks.

On the Black sea coast 11th army, in heavy fighting broke through the fortified line guarding the Isthmus of Perekop! Romanian forces are taking part in these fierce battles with great courage and, besides directly supporting 11th army guard the northern flank east of the Dnepr.

Casualties until October 2nd, 1941

Axis: 343.000 men, 3541 guns, 2003 tanks, 895 aircraft
Soviet: 3.213.000 men, 37.370 guns, 15.371 tanks, 8736 aircraft

Last edited by Para_Bellum; 01/25/11 02:44 AM.

"...late afternoon the Air Tasking Order came in [and] we found the A-10 part and we said, "We are going where!? We are doing what!?"

Capt. Todd Sheehy, Hog pilot, on receiving orders during Operation Desert Storm