Turn 3:

In the North this is a rather uneventful week. As announced except for some minor front line cosmetics Panzergruppe 1 is resting and resupplying around Pskov.
Riga finally falls to IIIVIIIth corps assault, although the defending NKVD division manages to put up a tough fight. The (reinforced) XXVIth corps keeps on clearing out the pocket to the west. And I'm busy converting the rail network. The railhead in the north is almost up to Riga thanks to the compatibility of the rail gauge within the baltic rail zone.

Army Group centre manages some astounding achievements this turn. While the infantry corps destroy the remaining units in the pocket west of Minsk LVIth Panzerkorps in a bold advance captures Smolensk! The Red Army hasn't managed to form anything resembling a defensive line between the Dnepr and the Dvina and 7th Panzerdivision rolls into the door to Moscow! And almost unbelievable: the road the Vyazma seems wide open, too!
The Motorized Infantry Regiment Großdeutschland takes Mogilew while south of the city the leading elements of XXXXVIIth and XXIVth Panzerkorps force a crossing across the Dnepr. If Soviet resistance remains so weak I'll soon swing Guderian's force north-east towards Tula. Or maybe push them south towards Kiev...
Problem is that of course my mobile units here need some rest, too. We'll see how fast the Red Army can rebuild its destroyed divisions.

In the South the pockets hold and I manage to trap another two tank and one motorized division around Proskurov. Furthermore the Romanians and Hungarians have entered the battle. While their formations have nowhere near the combat power of German divisions they'll still be very helpful in holding the line and finish off cut off Red Army divisions. The main objective for the Romanians (supported by a few German divisions) will be the capture of Odessa on the Black Sea coast.

If I can reduce the pocket around Proskurov quickly enough I'll send XXXXVIIth Panzerkorps south to link up with the Romanians and create another pocket.

BTW at the end of turn 3 axis casualties are 62.000 men, 500 guns, 400 tanks and 233 aircraft. Soviet losses are 670.000 men, 8790 guns, 5600 tanks and 5900 aircraft.

Last edited by Para_Bellum; 01/20/11 10:42 PM.

"...late afternoon the Air Tasking Order came in [and] we found the A-10 part and we said, "We are going where!? We are doing what!?"

Capt. Todd Sheehy, Hog pilot, on receiving orders during Operation Desert Storm