Human eye integration factors aside, which has to do with "flicker" and the minimal refresh rate that a person can detect...

FPS (First Person Shooter) gamers reach for the highest refresh rates possible, while flight simmers shoot for the best frame rates possible. Reason being: Aircraft require fast frame rates and shooters require fast refresh rates due to different "success" criteria.

In shooters the goal is to pull the trigger and
frag the other guy ASAP, so they want faster and
faster refresh rate which increases the "world" speed and hence who gets shot first. Hence refresh rate is key to shooter's survival. These guys want over 150 Hz monitors and vcards.

In flight sims, milisecond timing of shots isnt the issue. Rather in flight sims the main issue
is avoiding shimmer and jitter due to the image
not being able to be drawn faster. Simmers want a fluid picture and hence frame rate is key. Frame rates at least 30 fps and reaching for 60+ at the desired resolution is considered great irregardless of the refresh rate.

Optimally you want both, fast framerate and fast
refresh rate. With the exception of LB2 and other retro sims where slowing down the systems is the goal. So LB2 we want a controlled refresh rate of 60hz to be compatible with other online players, and a fast (>30fps) frame rate at our desired resolution.

Does this help?