Salute RAF74 Wall-Dog!
Great Post!
I just want to add a few things that i think is destroying PC gaming. Xbox & PS2 consoles are the big money makers right now. They are way to easy to play, no messing around trying to tweek your anything to beable to play the game. Gamers have always liked to upgrade there puters to get a advantage over the playing field. I don`t think the new generation of gamers are all that inpressed with computers anymore. The internet isn`t all that exciting as it was in the late 90s.
I no puters have a funner and more realistic games, but PS2 & Xbox isn`t that far behind. Once they come out with next generation consoles watch out. We probable all be using them. I hardle ever see anyone using there puters anymore for gaming. I believe we are a dieing breed of gamers. The puters have to be to big and powerful to play the new games. Especially at full detail. So what do buyers do, they buy a 200 console and don`t have to upgrade anything for a few years. Everyone is on a even playing field for online games. Computers online gaming your always against people with faster connections plus bigger cpu and vedeo cards. We all no that speed and power in gaming gives you great advantages over your opponents.
Take Care!
US95 Rooster