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Preview: First Look - Digital Combat Simulations

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DCS Black Shark

Digital Combat Simulations - Black Shark FAQs (continued)

Q: How will multiplayer compatibility be ensured between players with different DCS modules?

A: The base DCS simulation environment will be continually upgraded and improved with release of new modules. However, as each new DCS base version is released, all DCS users can upgrade to the same base version to ensure compatibility. The only difference between players would be the selection of what aircraft would be player-controllable versus AI-controlled according to which modules were purchased.

Q: There was earlier discussion of the use of “Speed Trees” in Black Shark. Will DCS use “Speed Trees”?

A: For this first iteration of DCS the answer is no. We experimented with “Speed Trees” in earlier builds but found that our proprietary tree generation technology provides much better results at medium and high altitudes and provides much better frame rates. We will revisit this technology in later iterations of the DCS.

Q: I own “Lock On”, which was also developed by Eagle Dynamics, and I want to know if “Lock On” aircraft will be part of DCS?

A: DCS is a whole new product line and is not compatible with “Lock On”. The only flyable aircraft in the initial release of DCS will be the Ka-50. DCS and Lock On will not be multiplayer compatible.

Q: Will DCS include a dedicated server option?

A: Not in the initial release, but this is a feature we plan for a later iteration of DCS.

Q: Will infantry be included in DCS?

A: We have been experimenting with animated infantry but the technology is still incomplete and it is still uncertain if this feature will make it into the initial DCS version.

DCS Black Shark

Q: Will there be a DCS: Black Shark demo?

A: Right now our primary focus is on finishing DCS: Black Shark and making it available to you. Once this task is complete, we will evaluate the creation of a playable demo. No decision has been made at this time.

Q: How modifiable will DCS be?

A: Our number one goal of any tools to modify the program will be to maintain multiplayer compatibility between players and as much as possible neutralize online cheating. With that in mind, we will provide an extensive set of options using LUA code to modify certain systems, replace models and textures, and modify the GUI.

Q: What are DCS: Black Shark minimum specifications?

A: Although not final, we project the minimum specification to be as follows: CPU: 2 GHz; RAM: 1 GB; Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce FX with 256 MB of RAM / ATI Radeon X1300 with 256 MB of RAM or equivalent; 3 GB free HD space; Operating system: Windows XP SP2 and Vista with DirectX 9 or 10.

Q: Will DCS: Black Shark be Vista-compatible and take advantage of multi-core processors?

A: The initial release of DCS will use a heavily modified version of our TFCSE simulation engine that will run Windows XP SP2 and Vista equally well using either DirectX 9 or DirectX 10. However, DCS versions based on the TFCSE engine will not take advantage of DirectX 10 unique features or multi-core processors. We plan however to provide such features in our new simulation engine that is currently in development for later versions of DCS.

DCS Black Shark


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